Bridge from Star Trek TNG

Emotional Feeding Guided Meditation

  • Breathe in a way that feels comfortable and stay with the in and out breath continually.
  • Notice any discomfort in the breath and try to wordlessly think of a breath that would be better to enjoy. At any moment you may need a longer or shorter breath. Follow your own preference and adjust it when there’s discomfort. This is like setting up emotional food and then paying it off with an enjoyable breath that you control.
  • Notice any distractions and how they automatically setup a situation you want in the external world and a form of stress or concern requiring a payoff by having that external situation happen the way you want it. If the situation is under your control it should provide not too much stress. As the situations get more out of your control, then notice the increasing mental pain.
  • Bring yourself back to the breath and think “what would be a good breath?” This is like preparing your breath like food. Then give yourself that breath. Continue these instructions wordlessly and return to the breath. The information is all in how you feel in your body. Answer those feelings by breathing according to your preferences. Setup the intention to breathe in a better way and pay it off by giving yourself just that. Notice the pleasure as the emotional feeding that it is and keep adding to the feedback loop by continually satisfying your breathing preferences.
  • At the end of this meditation, try to look at your life situations and see what good things you can do for yourself that are under your control. Set them up and pay them off with your actions. Things that are out of your control assess whether you should pay that much attention to them and see if what is under your control is a better use of your thinking. Notice the difference in pain.

Sublimation – Sigmund Freud:

Guided Meditations: